Sunday, February 28, 2010

Meet the fam :)

Hello! Thank you so much for praying for me as I spend the next 6 weeks volunteering in Honduras. First thing's first: you have to meet the family I am living with and minstering to/with during this trip!

Rick Beck is a Youth For Christ worker here where he and is awesome wife Kim have been serving for 8 years. They are incredible people and it is such a priviledge to spend time with them. He picked me up from the airport with his 2 youngest sons.

Jimmy: 11 years old, bursting with funny faces, wierd sounds, characters, dances, songs... all at once. :)

Kevin: 14 years old, loves soccer, his family, showing us how many rap songs he knows, and being the strong silent type.

The story of God bringing these boys into the Beck home is nothing less than a miracle, and I can't wait to tell you all tomorrow!

Prayer request: Please pray for Rick: He returns the to States for the next month to fundraise for his ministry. They were already missing %40 of thier funds when in the last year they lost an additional %40 of their budget due to the economic down turn. Please pray that he meets 20 people willing to sponsor them for $100/month so he can return home and continue ministry. I'll tell you more about what he does soon!