Monday, March 28, 2011


This weekend we squeezed in a quick trip to Seattle in between tdys and deployments! Trust me, this was a feat. He was supposed to fly into Spokane at midnight, but at the last minute he had me borrow a friend's huge truck (thank you Marc & Katie!) and pick him up at SeaTac. Their 2011 Tundra is so huge I felt like a monster-truck-mama hauling west on I 90.  It was so wonderful to see Mike and be together!

I wanted to try out some of my new 'selfie' tricks from and came up with a few shots of our trip that I love! I just had my Canon PowerShot on auto timer, turned off the flash, and looked for great natural light.

We stayed in a beautiful room right downtown and just relished being tourists for the weekend.

I know I'll treasure these images for a long time. My bump is getting bigger by the minute. I am just shy of 6 months now, and next time my husband sees me I'll be at 8 months!

This last shot is at the top of the Space Needle. To keep up my inspiration and challenge myself to learn I'm following a good friend's photography blog, and I highly reccomend it! Check out the button below to see her work...

Click it Up a Notch


  1. Thanks for the shout out! These photos are fabulous! You guys are so stinkin' adorable! So glad to hear you got to steal away to Seattle for a little while. Love that one of you guys on the bed! So's like I'm taking a peak on a precious moment you guys are having :O)

  2. Thanks Courtney! It's so fun trying out what you teach! :)
